The rates for long term 8 days up to 14 days is 8 USD per day.
The rates for 15 to 21 days is 6 USD per day
The rates for 1 month is 5 USD per day.
Beach boys bring your kite equipment from the storage to the station every morning and store the kite equipment in the storage every evening.
What is included:
- Kiting at the widest longest 235 meters private beach in Mui Ne, located at Saigon Mui Ne resort.
- Free pneumetics pump.
- Experienced Beach boys kiter Launch and land your kite.
- Beach boys keep an eye on you for safety.
- On site Jet Ski rescue – you pay 12 USD for each rescue as needed
(If no Jet Ski rescue during your storage period, you don’t need to pay for this service)
- Free drinking water
- Free Wifi
- Locker for your belongings
- Facilities – with in 15 meters restaurant, bar, shower, toilet
- Everyday from 5-7 pm Happy hour at the kite station